Baby Harper

Baby Harper

Friday, February 7, 2014

Life lately

Last weekend was a good one! Haven't gotten around to writing this as a new weekend is already here but here ya go! 

Eric and I got a date night! (Enter a choir singing: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!) ok but seriously it was so nice! We went to dinner and a movie and it seemed like a vacation! 

On Sunday we went to an annual Super Bowl breakfast in our town and then watched the Super Bowl in the afternoon.

Harper has been so fun lately. She was our entertainment when the game wasn't so interesting! She rolls back and forth and tries to crawl. She's getting too big! 

She's been devouring food lately too! She loves almost everything, except pears. Hates pears. Which is really awesome since a few days before she tried them we planted her her very own pear tree.... And now she literally gags when she takes a bite. So hopefully she starts liking them because she has a tree that will soon be full of them! 

Nothing else really new around here! Just excited about our happy life we have as a family! Every day harps does something different and funny! 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

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