Baby Harper

Baby Harper

Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentines Ideas For Your Man

It's so hard to think of things to suprise your husband or boyfriend! It seems like every holiday or birthday I'm stuck. So I decided to give some ideas to make them feel special! Hopefully this gives some inspiration! 

1. Plan a night out for HIM! 

Instead of him trying to plan something for you all the time, take matters in your own hands! Get a babysitter, plan where you are going. Maybe it's dinner out of town. Or a romantic ride through the country. Dinner and a movie in town. Plan everything and make it a surprise. He will love it because he didn't have to worry about a thing! 

2. Suprise him at work

Take him a coffee or lunch to his work and let him know you are thinking about him. It will most definately make him feel special since it's unexpected. 

3. Go to different restaraunts

Plan for cocktails and an appetizer at one restaraunt, then the main course at another, then dessert somewhere else! It makes a date night last longer and seems spontaneous and fun! 

4. Get up early and make him breakfast

Who doesn't love breakfast in bed? Sneak out of bed early and whip up his favorite breakfast! To make things extra festive, make The Pioneer Woman's red velvet pancakes in the shape of a heart. Awwww! Or if you don't feel like cooking. Make a Starbucks run! 

5. Write him a love note

It's the best gift. So heartfelt and meaningful. Plus it's free. Trust me, a honest love note will help your relationship so much. It lets your spouse know how you feel. Instead of assuming that they know. 

6. Make a basket of fun!

Put together a basket of goodies for your love. Fill it with their favorite candy, magazines, beer, clothes, movies, gift cards, whatever they are interested in. It's such a thoughtful thing to do! 

7. Make coupons for your man

These are also free! Some ideas include, a massage, breakfast in bed, day of their choice, fishing trip at their favorite spot, dessert of their choice, whatever interests them! 

8. Night out of town!

Plan a night away, just the two of you! Have a fancy dinner, go dancing, have a few drinks, just have fun! You won't regret it!

9. Go on a walk or hike

Enjoy the fresh air with your love! There's nothing better that getting outside! Take pictures of scenery and just savor the moment. Take a picnic if you plan on being gone for a while! 

10. Reminisce about when you first got together

Talk about when you met, got engaged, married, got pregnant, all of the major life moments. It's fun to think about the happy times and it will also bring you closer. Make plans for the future too! Write them down and see where they take you! 

11. Play a board game!

This is so exciting and fun! Get competitive and have a few beers while you're at it! ;-)

12. Cook together

Make a romantic dinner for two together. Light candles and turn on some music. Cook a new meal together. I don't know about you but most of the time I'm cooking in the kitchen and Eric is grilling or watching the baby. Make it special and do it together. Try a new beer or wine with dinner that you pick out together. 

13. Plan or pretend plan a trip

Talk about where you would go if you could go anywhere in the world. It's interesting to know where your spouse would pick! 

Hopefully this sparked some ideas in your head to make that hardworking man in your life feel special! Happy Valentines Day everyone! 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Life lately

Last weekend was a good one! Haven't gotten around to writing this as a new weekend is already here but here ya go! 

Eric and I got a date night! (Enter a choir singing: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!) ok but seriously it was so nice! We went to dinner and a movie and it seemed like a vacation! 

On Sunday we went to an annual Super Bowl breakfast in our town and then watched the Super Bowl in the afternoon.

Harper has been so fun lately. She was our entertainment when the game wasn't so interesting! She rolls back and forth and tries to crawl. She's getting too big! 

She's been devouring food lately too! She loves almost everything, except pears. Hates pears. Which is really awesome since a few days before she tried them we planted her her very own pear tree.... And now she literally gags when she takes a bite. So hopefully she starts liking them because she has a tree that will soon be full of them! 

Nothing else really new around here! Just excited about our happy life we have as a family! Every day harps does something different and funny! 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Monthly music favorites

Everyone who knows me knows I'm a country girl. Always have been. 

Not to be confused with cowgirl.....

Which I most definately am not. 

But any ways I thought it would be fun to post my favorite music at the moment which is probably almost always going to be country. 

Ok to start it off I love Eric Church! He's my favorite country singer of all time! My Eric and I totally love his music! 

So of course my first song is his newest one,

•Give Me Back My Hometown. 

I cannot wait for his new cd coming out in early February! I wish I had it right now! 

I also love so soo many of his older songs that I've been listening to them all the time too. Here's a few that never get old to me. 

•Over When it's Over
•Country Music Jesus
•Jack Daniels
•These Boots
•Pledge Allegiance to the Hag

Oh I could go on and on.... 

But I won't. 

Ok next, I'm into Chris Young's new album a lot! My favorites are 

•Lonely Eyes
•Lighters in the Air

And Justin Moore's new songs

•Lettin' the Night Roll
•Country Radio

Also this one from David Nail:

•Whatever She's Got

This is a crazy song but I love it! By Maggie Rose

•Lookin back now

I'm always down for some good ol' George!!! 

•Nobody In His Right Mind Would've Left Her (my all time fav!) 
•How Bout Them Cowgirls (Which I'm clearly not!) :-) hehe
•She'll Leave You With a Smile
•Fool Hearted Memory

Man, I love them all!! 

I've also been listening to Mark Chesnutt lately a lot as well! My favs are...

•Brother Jukebox
•I'll Think Of Something 
•Old Flames Have New Names
•I Just Wanted You to Know 

Alright. I'm done for now. And I know more than likely no one cares what music I like and if you're still reading this after all that, we can probably be best friends! :-)

Hope everyone has a great weekend with tons of fun stuff planned! 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Life Recently

It's been a while since I've written on here! And I didn't realize how many people enjoy reading what I have to say, go figure! Many of my friends and clients have told me that they look forward to my posts so I am going to try to get back into it as much as I can. 

Things are pretty busy for us, I'm sure for all of you as well! Life is just plain busy. I've started back to work at the salon two days a week and I've really been enjoying it. It's so nice to catch up with all of my clients, even though I miss Harper terribly and she's most often asleep when I get home. 

We had a great Christmas! Or should I say great 8 Christmases! We have so much family so we really did have that many! It was so fun! Watching Harper open presents was a lot of fun! We would rip the paper and she would finish ripping it and immediately try to stick it in her mouth. Silly little baby girl. 
Here's Eric helping her! Such a big girl! 
Eric's mom came to visit and Harper was so excited to see her gram gram! Unclu Dylan also came too! We miss them very much and hope to go visit as soon as we can! 
Harpers great grand papa got her her very own big girl chair for Christmas! Seriously the cutest thing ever. A baby recliner! Come on! I wanna snuggle up with her in it! Oh and also making an appearance is Sophie! And her most favorite blanket of all time! Her auntie court has the same exact blanket and Harper loves to cuddle up in it when we go over to their house, and for Christmas she got her very own! The same print and everything! She loves it!
Somebody loves her carrots! 
And last but not least, we are excited for the new year! We have plenty of things to be thankful for and to look forward to! We hope everyone has a wonderfully happy weekend! And thanks again to everyone who spends the time to read about our lives! 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

In the spirit

We have been super busy getting ready for Christmas! Sorry I haven't posted in so long! Time flies when you have a baby, for sure. I tell Harps to stop growing every day but she doesn't listen to me! 

We've finished all of our shopping, wrapped all of the presents, done all the baking, and now it's time to enjoy the next few days and the spirit of Christmas! 

We are taking Harper to see santa today so we will see how she does! 

Harper is getting a few fun things this year for Christmas; 

Christmas books
A shopping cart cover
Wooden blocks to play with when she's older

It's kinda hard to get anything for this little baby girl, as she has everything she needs and more! 

What are you giving your baby this year?? 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Our Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family and love! Most of our family was able to make it. We had it at our house which is my favorite! 

Eric deep fried 2 turkey's for us that turned out delicious! 
Here they are! A little uglier than a traditional oven roasted turkey but way more delicious! Excuse the mess on the counter... Things get hectic when the turkey is done! 

Here's a few decorations I had out on the big day! The burlap print is from Dolce Ave on etsy. 

Harper of course had a special Thanksgiving outfit hand made for her. Spoiled little beauty! :-)
Look at that happy girl! I love it! 

Our dinner was fantastic with plenty of leftovers! 

Black Friday went exactly as planned on my previous post! And we put up our tree and did a little decorating! 
Harper absolutely loves the lights! She laughs and wiggles! Cutest thing I've ever seen! 

We put up lights outside too. Not like Clark Griswald but more than last year! They are hard to see.... But it's the best I could get! 

We do the old style huge colored bulbs just like my grandparents used to do.
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving like we did! Bring on the Christmas season! 

Monday, November 18, 2013


Since I'm totally super thankful for all the love on my Facebook and Instagram about my blog, I've decided to give away (3) Thanksgiving paper garlands that I've made myself! 

I have been in the garland making mood, and I'm thinking about making them for every holiday! I absolutely love them! 

So here's how you can enter:

~Comment on this post telling me your favorite holiday and why. Also, are you a garland fan like me? 
~Comment and like my Facebook post regarding the giveaway
~Comment and like my Instagram post regarding the giveaway

And of course my family can enter as well! 

Each one you do will enter you once. So therefore you get 3 chances! 

And there will be 3 random winners! I guess I'm feeling the #3 tonight! 

I will ship you the paper garland if you win! 

The giveaway ends tomorrow (November 19th, 2013) night at 8:00 pm. 

Ready, set, go!